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StartUp Creative - Your go-to source for straight-up business advice

Mar 22, 2020

It is a pretty wild time on planet earth right now and in running a business, being a freelancer, a creative, and a solo entrepreneur. It's a little bit of uncertainty, chaos, unknown about what this is going to look like with the virus and impacting so much of how we do everyday life and how we do business. I've had conversations with my existing clients about lots of changes that are happening. I've definitely experienced a fear rise in me around events being canceled and contracts being postponed and it can be really easy to give way to the uncertainty, chaos, fear, and anxiety that is being fed to us from every angle right now.

There are also ways to stay calm, see opportunities and to be of service to the world - which are what we really need right now. Let me share with you some tips that I'm using that I've learned along the way of how to stay calm and focused in this chaotic time and try to reduce some of that fear that may be rising in you.